innerSelf | an art installation with still and moving images
"As a result of the ever-expanding information technologies, “pluralism” becomes a common phenomenon in our lives. For me, reality is many individual components rather than one interconnected thing. I intentionally put fragmented pieces of motifs, memories, different color schemes, some hints of related inner structure together to make a series that can be viewed separately or as a whole to express my attitude toward the ever-transforming surroundings and cultures.
For me, “Art” is a way of promoting the healing, growth, and wholeness of individuals. All my works are my self portraits: they reflect the inner part of me and give me access to examine my feelings, my thoughts, my experience, my conditions – my life. I strive to overcome fears and embrace discoveries and changes. The purpose of this exploration is to make the unconscious conscious and eventually make a more integrated self..."
Just a rough concept, will work on it if I have more time later.
Supposed sequence order of the still images